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Meora = «light» in Hebrew.

The zenith, a revered symbol of ancient Egypt, represents the rebirth of the rising sun. The one that is reflected in the daily rituals of our lives. A symbol of hope and growth in our individual and collective development. A sparkling light that invites us to create infinite connections.

This piece is a sign of hope, where the light bursts through the darkness to illuminate your inner path. Listen to your heart, through the signs of destiny, and set out, as Paolo Coelho meant it, to find your own treasure.

Listen to your instincts, find the passion again and set out for new adventures.


Your scarab that connects you to your own treasure.

No. 8 “Meora”


Composez votre Ensemble "coffret Trésors"

  • In numbered and limited series.


    The designer makes each piece entirely handmade in Limoges porcelain in the atelier in Provence.


    Piece by piece, each curve is patiently drawn, sculpted, refined and meticulously polished.


    This creation requires a particular treatment and must be realized in 3 firings in the respect of the Arts of the Fire in a kiln with High Temperature: First of all the first firing, «the Dégourdie» 980°, followed by the enamelling and the second firing, «the vitrification» at 1370°C.


    Finally it is the precious moment of the delicate laying of the liquid gold paint with a brush, which will be fired in the third fire.


Personalize your Beetle by affixing your initials in gold, delicately placed with a brushby its creator.


Discover the other pieces of the collection