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The little donkey "Notos" has lost his way in the lavender field at dusk and is crying for his mother. Full of tears, he calls loudly to his mother, but she can't hear him, for Notos has sunk deep into the purplish-blue field.


Suddenly, a large crowd of Scarabs hears the little donkey crying and flies straight after him. Completely distraught, Notos recounts his adventures. 

Slowly, the Scarabs tie long, colorful ribbons that had been decorated on the olive trees during the May festival around their little bellies and attach them to the little donkey's runners. Like a feather, in the shape of a parachute, they lift the little Notos donkey into the air, above the olive trees, beyond the lavender field. 

Thanks to the strength and magic of the Scarabs, they find the boy's mother, who had been looking for Notos all day and was very worried.


She couldn't believe her eyes when she spotted her baby in the distance, amidst a cloud of glittering Scarabs. Full of love, she hugged her little one close to her and was very happy and grateful that the Scarabees had found her little one and brought him back safe and sound.


The little notos was also very happy to have been saved by the Scarabees, so much so that he never wanted to leave his multicolored ribbons, so grateful was he. 

From that day on, the little donkey could be seen strolling through the lavender fields with his colorful ribbons flying through the air.

No.4 "Treasure of Affection

  • En séries numérotées et limitées. 

    La créatrice fabrique chaque pièce entièrement à la main en porcelaine de Limoges dans l’atelier en Provence.

    Pièce par pièce, chaque courbe est patiemment dessinée, sculptée, affinée et minutieusement polie.

    Cette création nécessite un traitement particulier et doit être réalisée en 3 cuissons dans le respect des Arts du Feu dans un four à Haute Température: Tout d’abord la première cuisson, «le Dégourdie» , suivi de l’émaillage et du deuxième feu, «la vitrification». 

    Finalement c’est le moment précieux de la pose délicate de l’or jaune liquide au pinceau, qui sera cuite ensuite en troisième feu.